Saturday, May 8, 2010


tomorrow is mother's day and i feel SO blessed to be among the women that are honored with this special day. some people say every day is mother's day and that the holiday was created by hallmark, and the like to get families to spend extra money on their products......i vote for presence over presents, you know??

some of my biggest everythings in one way or another relate to my kids. i guess the first biggie would be my biggest JOY is having them. my pregnancy plan didn't work out like i'd hoped, but i got so lucky and finally had my precious marshall and then a little less than 3 years later, i got my angel allison. one of each sex is just what i'd always hoped for and what fun it was for me getting to share in both boy things and girl things while they were growing up.

my biggest HOPES are that marshall and allison are happy and healthy, that they get through any tough times with faith and strength and that they have the lives they've dreamed of. my biggests FEARS are what any mothers' are: that i can't protect them if and when things go wrong. wouldn't it be wonderful if 'kissing the boo-boos and making it all better' worked for adult children like it did for small ones??

i feel my biggest ACCOMPLISHMENT is raising 2 wonderful kids. i know i'm prejudiced, but both of them are strong and intelligent, personable and funny, talented and driven, each in their own way. they are beautiful, both inside and out.

lastly, my biggest LOVE is for them.....there's nothing like the deep, never failing love you have for your babies. they are your babies, no matter how old they get. you may not always like them, i.e. pissy moods or them not minding you, but nothing can make you quit loving them.

thanks to marshall and allison for making my life so full of BIGgies.